Your pond is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It’s a tranquil place, full of life and beauty. But what if you could make it even more beautiful? What if you could make your pond a little healthier and cleaner, too? That’s where oxygenating pond plants come in! They’re great for improving the health of your pond and making it look incredible. And we’ve got 11 best oxygenating pond plants for you to check out today. Plus some tips on how to choose the right plant for your particular needs. Let’s get started!
10 Best Oxygenating Pond Plants
Anacharis (Elodea densa)

Anacharis is a popular aquatic plant that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It has narrow, long leaves and small white flowers that bloom in late summer. This plant is easy to grow and thrives well in both warm and cool water. But it does not do well in very cold water or when the water is not moving. The leaves of anacharis are fragile and will easily break if they hit the side of your pond or if you touch them too hard with your hand or fishing pole.
The best way to use anacharis in your pond is as a background plant that provides shade for other plants that need more light, or as a foreground plant to provide cover for fish hiding from predators in the open water column. If you’re using anacharis as a background plant, add some additional plants to provide some color contrast so that your pond doesn’t look bland.
Water Sprite (Ceratophyllum demersum)

This is another great oxygenating pond plant that can be used as a submerged or floating plant. Water sprite has bright green leaves with two small red eye spots on each leaf. It is an excellent choice for the middle and bottom layers of your pond because it grows up to 6 feet tall but stays relatively small in width. Water sprite also tolerates high water temperatures and low light levels.
Vallisneria (Eichhornia crassipes)

Vallisneria is another excellent oxygenating pond plant that works well as both a submerged and floating plant. The leaves are long and narrow with purple stripes running down their length. Vallisneria grows up to 4 feet tall, so it’s best suited for larger ponds where it can spread out its leaves fully without crowding other plants out of space.
Anacharis (Egeria najas)

Anacharis, also known as Elodea and Water Wand, is a perennial aquatic plant that can thrive in both cold and warm water temperatures. It has long, thin leaves that grow from a central stem and can reach up to three feet in length. The leaves are emerald green in color with white veins running through them. Anacharis is one of the most common types of pond plants because it grows quickly, is easy to care for and produces flowers throughout the growing season.
Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis)

The green foxtail is an annual aquatic plant that grows best in shallow ponds where the water level never rises above six inches deep. It has long stalks that grow up to two feet tall with small yellow flowers that bloom on top of each stalk during the summer months. The green foxtail prefers full sunlight but will tolerate partial shade as well as low light environments like under trees or large shrubs around your pond area.
Red Ludwigia

Red Ludwigia or Ludwigia repens is a beautiful, spreading plant that has bright red leaves with white, yellow or orange flowers. This plant makes a great addition to any pond and is easy to grow. Red Ludwigia can be planted in the spring or fall and will grow best in full sun. It grows quickly and spreads out to form a carpet of bright green leaves. The flowers are small but they come in several colors including red, yellow and orange. This plant requires low maintenance and will do well even in poor water conditions. It also helps oxygenate the water by using its roots to filter out pollutants.

Hornwort is one of the best oxygenating pond plants that can be grown easily in any kind of water including ponds, aquariums and even water gardens. You can use this plant as a floating plant or as an emergent plant depending on your choice. This plant has long leaves that grow up to 6 inches long with yellow flowers that bloom during summer months. It grows well in shade but does not like direct sunlight.
Mermaid Plant

Also known as red cabomba or amazon sword plant, this plant grows up to 6 feet tall and produces large green leaves that may grow up to 18 inches long. It produces pink flowers in summer and fall, which look like those of water lilies but with smaller petals. Mermaid plant requires full sun and plenty of nutrients in order to thrive, so you will want to fertilize it regularly when planted in your pond or aquarium.
Moneywort (Creeping Jenny)

Moneywort, also known as creeping Jenny, is a low-growing perennial plant that can be used in ponds and other bodies of water. It has dark green leaves, which grow up to three inches long and are oval shaped. The plant has small blue flowers, which appear from April to June and have four petals each. Moneywort prefers moist soil conditions and grows best in full sunlight. It will spread across the surface of your pond or lake, so you may want to consider planting it in a contained area, such as an underwater basket or pottery pot.
This plant is beneficial for your pond because it will help keep algae levels under control by consuming excess nutrients in the water. It also provides cover for smaller fish and protects them from predation by larger fish.
Lemon Bacopa

Lemon bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a perennial plant that grows in shallow water. It has distinctive, pointed leaves with purple edges and white flowers that are very fragrant.
Bacopa grows well in full sun or partial shade and can tolerate a wide range of soil types, but prefers a well-drained soil. It does not grow well in standing water, so it must be planted in a container or bog garden.
The plant tolerates cold weather better than many other water plants, but it also needs more light than most to thrive. When grown indoors, place it near a window where there is plenty of direct sunlight.
When planting lemon bacopa in your pond, place it at the edge of the pond so that its roots can grow into the soil at the bottom of the pond basin. If you have fish in your pond, make sure they won’t eat this plant before adding it to your water garden!

Rotala is a genus of plants that are widely used in aquariums due to their ability to grow quickly, thrive in low light and oxygenate the water. Rotundifolia is sometimes called “water ripple” or “water wisteria” because it has long, slender leaves that resemble those of the wisteria plant. This species grows well in ponds with both aquatic and marginal plants, as it will tolerate both conditions equally well.
It is an excellent choice for beginners looking to create an artificial pond in their garden. It requires very little care or maintenance and can tolerate low levels of light and water movement.
Benefits of Oxygenating Pond Plants
One of the most popular and effective ways to improve your pond’s water quality is by installing oxygenating plants. Oxygenating plants create a large surface area, which increases the amount of oxygen in your pond. This is particularly important for ponds that are stocked with fish.
Pond plants that are native to your area are best suited for your pond. They will grow well with minimal maintenance and keep your water clean and clear. Here are some of the benefits of oxygenating plants:
Keeps algae under control – due to their large surface area, oxygenating plants help keep algae under control
Provides food and habitat – aquatic insects like dragonflies, damselflies and mayflies rely on aquatic vegetation as a food source or habitat
Natural filtration – oxygenating plants naturally filter the water by absorbing nutrients such as nitrates, phosphates and ammonia from fish waste before they can be released into the environment.
Can You Have Too Many Oxygenating Pond Plants In A Pond?
Yes, you can have too many oxygenating pond plants.
There’s no exact number of oxygenating pond plants that you should have in your pond, but if you have too many, they can block sunlight from reaching the water and cause anoxic conditions that kill off fish and other aquatic life.
The ideal number of oxygenating pond plants depends on a variety of factors, such as:
How much sunlight reaches your pond. Ponds with more direct sun will need more oxygenating plants than those with less direct sun.
How deep your pond is. Shallow ponds need fewer oxygenating plants than deep ponds because they have less surface area and usually receive more sunlight at the surface.
What kind of fish or other animals live in your pond. If you have fish or other animals that require deeper water, then you’ll need fewer oxygenating plants than someone with shallower water and no deeper-water requirements for their fish or animals.
How Do You Grow Oxygenating Plants in a Pond?
Oxygenating plants are a great way to increase the amount of oxygen in your pond. They also help to keep your pond clean by removing nitrogen from the water, reducing algae blooms, and improving water quality.
In order for your plants to grow properly, they need a few things:
- Sunlight – Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis, which is what makes oxygen. All plants need sunlight. The more sunlight they get, the more oxygen they produce! So don’t shade them with overhanging trees or other objects.
- Water – Although most aquatic plants can survive on standing water or still water with no current, moving water is better because it keeps the roots from becoming too saturated with nutrients and minerals from the soil. If you have an aquarium pump or fountain pump (or a waterfall), this will provide enough movement in your pond to keep the roots healthy while still allowing them to absorb nutrients from the soil.